• Before you go Cameroon
    Au Cameroun, l’ancien port de négrier de Bimbia veut sortir de l’oubli

    Le temps d’une pièce théâtrale, les acteurs tentent de reconstituer l’histoire qui a décimé des générations entières. Un matin, un garde s’est présenté devant sa petite case en paille : « Le roi veut te voir. » Comme s’il pressentait un danger, l’homme supplie l’émissaire de lui accorder un peu de temps. « J’arrive, j’arrive », répète-t-il en vain. Il est traîné de force. Son fils, voyant son père ainsi maltraité, le suit en ………..Read More

  • Before you go Cameroon
    Cameroon Afriture.

    FASHION Cameroon Afriture. Fashion in Cameroon is not the ‘oh so’ sophisticated fashion you find in New York fashion week or on celebrity red carpets. Fashion in Cameroon is expression of culture and the African texture. In other words ‘haute culture’ but some just prefer to call it ‘Afriture’ (African Culture). Cameroon has more than two hundred traditional languages with different cultures and traditional wears-an advantage for our young and ………..Read More

  • Before you go Cameroon
    Specials: Go on A Safari To Dja Reserve In Cameroon

     Dja Reserve is one of the largest and most biologically diverse tracts of protected rainforest in central Africa, located in the Centre-south and East Regions of Cameroon,with a surface area of 5,260 km2.  Ancient granite outcrops pierce the forests canopy, creating a mosaic of swamps and grasslands in the forest.  More than 1200 plant species, 107 mammals, 429 birds and 60 fish have been recorded, including western lowland gorilla, chimpanzee ………..Read More

  • Before you go Cameroon
    10 Reasons to visit Cameroon

    Its enormous scenic diversity(sea side, mangroves, jungle, mountains, highlands and desert). Its security(Cameroon is a politically stable country since many decades with a warm and welcoming population). It hosts some of the most amazing and ancient cultures like the Baka and Badgeli pygmies in the Eastern jungle, the nomadic Mbororos on the Adamawa and North Regions, the animist Komas in the Alantika Mountains, but also Bantues, Kom and many more. ………..Read More