• Before you go Cameroon
    Cameroon: Senators Worried Over Tourism, Agriculture…

      Cameroon: Senators Worried Over Tourism, Agriculture… The Senate Chamber at the Yaounde Conference Centre was yesterday June 9, 2016, the venue for Senators to check government activities as prescribed by law. Senate President, Marcel Niat Njifenji, in the presence of the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali, called the House to order and announced that the plenary session ………..Read More

  • Before you go Cameroon
    Au Cameroun, l’ancien port de négrier de Bimbia veut sortir de l’oubli

    Le temps d’une pièce théâtrale, les acteurs tentent de reconstituer l’histoire qui a décimé des générations entières. Un matin, un garde s’est présenté devant sa petite case en paille : « Le roi veut te voir. » Comme s’il pressentait un danger, l’homme supplie l’émissaire de lui accorder un peu de temps. « J’arrive, j’arrive », répète-t-il en vain. Il est traîné de force. Son fils, voyant son père ainsi maltraité, le suit en ………..Read More

  • Before you go Cameroon
    Healthy travel to Cameroon

                       Tips on how to reach  Cameroon   feeling fresh, relaxed and rejuvenated. Try to get a good night’s sleep before your flight, eat a light meal and take some gentle exercise before travelling. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes that are not too restrictive. On longer journeys low cabin humidity can cause dry eyes, nose and throat. Drink plenty of water ………..Read More

  • Before you go Cameroon
    10 Reasons to visit Cameroon

    Its enormous scenic diversity(sea side, mangroves, jungle, mountains, highlands and desert). Its security(Cameroon is a politically stable country since many decades with a warm and welcoming population). It hosts some of the most amazing and ancient cultures like the Baka and Badgeli pygmies in the Eastern jungle, the nomadic Mbororos on the Adamawa and North Regions, the animist Komas in the Alantika Mountains, but also Bantues, Kom and many more. ………..Read More