• Before you go Cameroon
    Au Cameroun, l’ancien port de négrier de Bimbia veut sortir de l’oubli

    Le temps d’une pièce théâtrale, les acteurs tentent de reconstituer l’histoire qui a décimé des générations entières. Un matin, un garde s’est présenté devant sa petite case en paille : « Le roi veut te voir. » Comme s’il pressentait un danger, l’homme supplie l’émissaire de lui accorder un peu de temps. « J’arrive, j’arrive », répète-t-il en vain. Il est traîné de force. Son fils, voyant son père ainsi maltraité, le suit en ………..Read More

  • Tours
    U.S. Embassy Visits Bimbia Slave Port Restoration Site

    On December 18, 2012 U.S. Embassy officers traveled to Bimbia, in Cameroon’s South West Region, where they met with the Cameroon Ministry of Arts and Culture to plan the launch of a project to restore the city’s historic slave port.  After a meeting with local officials, presided over by the Limbe Senior Divisional Officer, the group traveled to the site with members of the Bimbia Preservation project team which then ………..Read More

  • Global Bush
    Discover Slave Route In Cameroon

     Cameroon slave trade served as a very important supply zone for the export of African slaves to the New World after the Portuguese exploration on the Cameroon coast. Cameroonian slaves were mostly sold to the Fernando Po collection center. The island of Fernando Po was one of the main collection points for slaves taken along the Bight of Benin. The Douala of Cameroon was the predominant slave-trading middlemen in these ………..Read More